The Hindi version of Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar’s 2.0 cruised past the Rs. 100 crore mark on Monday as it added Rs. 13 crores to the five-day total, which now reads Rs. 111 crore and counting, reported trade analyst Taran Adarsh. As per his evaluation, 2.0’s Hindi version will also turn out to be Akshay Kumar’s highest earning film by the end of the week. The Hindi version of 2.0 made almost Rs. 60 crore over the weekend, Mr Adarsh tweeted: “2.0 cruises past Rs. 100 cr mark on Day 5 [Mon]… Will emerge Akshay Kumar’s highest grosser *before* Week 1 concludes… Thu 20.25 cr, Fri 18 cr, Sat 25 cr, Sun 34 cr, Mon 13.75 cr. Total: Rs. 111 cr. India biz. Note: HINDI version.”
According to Taran Adarsh, 2.0‘s (Hindi) Monday figures also suggest that the film will perform relatively well at the box office through the week. “After packing an impressive total in its *extended* opening weekend, 2.0 stays super-strong on the crucial Mon… Collecting double digits on a working day [Mon] – without enhanced ticket rates – indicates it has stamina to perform well on weekdays. Note: HINDI version,” he tweeted.